Sunday, March 29

One of Those, One of These

So i feel like writing, but you see, i have absolutely nothing and at the same time absolutely everything to say here.

Have your eyes ever started to burn because of the computer screen? Mine have, mine are. Turn down the brightness, it usually helps. 50% should due.

The Only Moment We Were Alone - Explosions In the Sky

So i have listened to this on a loop for the past hour, which seems like forever. And i want to write lyrics, but we come back to the " i have nothing, yet everything to say"

I cant exactly say its writers block, because you see, i am still writing. I just haven't really say a whole lot in the past 111 words i have typed.

In that case, i guess i should get going with this writing business. Cut to the chase, as some would say. Let me tell you a story then, since this song is running through my head, and someone mentioned pasta, which got me thinking even more. Old pasta actually. Its amazing. No, not "it". "I", yes I am amazing. Sometimes i don't understand the things i do.

When i was in college, there was nothing around to eat other than pasta (which was fine, im a big fan) I cooked the pasta, but way to much of it, so i just ate what i could and set the rest aside on my desk, pondering weather or not i could muster up the strength to put it in the fridge where usually food belongs after your done picking through it.

Well i never got around to doing it, and that pasta sat for two whole days. Two days on a dusty desk, in a messy room, that seemed to always smell like dirty socks (i don't know why, i DID do my laundry... from time to time)

Oh it had just crossed my mind as of now.
I hope you are listening to that song that i had posted. It IS 10 minutes long, so im sure once you are finished reading this it should be somewhere in the middle.

Anyways back to the pasta. I don't believe in wasting things, and at 2am, old pasta thats been sitting on a desk for a few days does look quite appealing, so i did what a basic lower class teenage boy would have done! (not saying i am one, just that i may act like one at points)

Yes, i did. I took the pasta and put it in the microwave, zapped it, and ate the entire bowl. (at least what was left of it.) And since i knew it was something disgusting to do, i enjoyed it that much more. The pasta did taste fantastic, and it wasn't moldy, so i was safe.

Im sure a few years from now i will be told by my doctor that i have some rare disease that only comes by when you eat 2 day old pasta that's been sitting out in a dirty sock smelling room, and you can only contract the disease if you zap the pasta in the microwave for 53 seconds on high.

Im fucked.

I thought this needed to be captured.