Sunday, March 29

Discovery Walk.

Right now, for some reason, I feel like people never really get to see who I really am or what im all about. I'm not quite sure how to word what I want to say properly, but i can try. I just feel like there's "more". I feel like im "more" than just a cute little blond hair blue eyed girl who has a funny thing, or two, to say. I feel like, the people who really do know me for who I really am are either to far away or have lost my trust because of numbers of incidents that i just cant seem to wrap my head around.

I want to show you who I am, i want to go on crazy adventures in the snow. I want to call you and tell you about my day, my life, my thoughts, my feelings!
I think i said this once before... but don't flatter yourself.. this is not about you.

Well there are two crazy kids running around with my cellphone taking pictures.. ill finish this note later...

Oh great, one of them almost just put my scarf in the toilet! "bee look! Its like spaghetti"


Anyways what was I saying? You know what really bothers me... i and I. why do we even bother with the lower case.. if I say:
i want ice cream, i love it! (wrong)
I want ice cream, I love it (right!)

Its the upper I's and the lower i's i don't know! I i I i i! eye eye!

I don't know where the men these days get their common sense. I went on a date with a boy once, we kissed, and he then asked me if he could pull out his penis and jack off.

Honestly, what the fuck.

Someone carry me away please, i don't want to be left behind or in the dark. Where have all the decent people gone?

I always looks for the prefect picture, to capture what im feeling when i write these.